Monday, August 19, 2013

Names And A Sentence From Three Interviewees

1. Jason Li - Small Business Adviser
 Many of our clients coming to our office, and then they think if I understand the mechanically how to works, I open the door, people will come to buy. It may not happen. 

2. Micheal Wolfson - Senior Adviser 
The main goal is to bring a level of reality to people's interspersion of how easy it is to start a food business. Once we've done that then the object is to have them think about the market that they wanna supply, the type of product that they wanna supply, and develop a business plan to meet those needs.

3. Anita Lekas - Workshop Participant 
It's a lot of work when you start us, cause you have to do everything yourself, but it's also rewarding when you see the out come of it, so I am really happy to start my own business.  

1 comment:

  1. AWESOME, Lena!!
    Only 1 word--"interspersion" should be "impression."
    Other than that, fantastic!!
